Welcome to MNODN

Minnesota Organization Development Network

Who we are

We are a professional community committed to offer growth and learning opportunities that foster a strong, diverse, and supportive community of organization development professionals in Minnesota and beyond.

Upcoming events

  • Jan 9: The Hidden Formula for High Performance

    Traditional methods to drive performance are failing as silos disrupt collaboration and efficiency. High-performing companies succeed by fostering intentional, high-value relationships that drive agility, innovation, and results.

  • Mar 6: The Future of OD: Our Core Essence and How We Need to Modify Change in Our New World

    The field of OD has achieved remarkable success in addressing complex socio-technical challenges, but lacks a unified understanding of its core identity. In the wake of the pandemic, with a rapidly evolving workforce and accelerating change, there is a need to reflect on past successes and adapt to new realities. This program aims to clarify OD’s essence, refine processes for today’s challenges, and bridge generational gaps, empowering new practitioners to shape a brighter future for OD and beyond.

  • Feb 6: Exploring OD: Insights from Industry Experts

    DescriptiOrganizational development is a critical yet often misunderstood discipline that shapes how businesses adapt, grow, and succeed in a rapidly changing world. This expert panel brings together leading OD practitioners to explore the core principles, evolving practices, and future trends in organizational development.

    Each panelist will share perspectives on what OD is and the role it plays in today’s business landscape. While attendees will, through questions, discussions and real-world examples, gain a deeper understanding of how OD drives performance, fosters innovation, and builds resilient organizations.on goes here
