Membership Plans

We offer great member benefits and flexible ways to join MNODN!

  • Free monthly programming with inspiring speakers and interactive learning

  • Participation in the Mentoring Program

  • Community networking opportunities, including in-person socials and a member directory

  • Pro bono consulting opportunities through the Community Consulting Program

  • Three guest passes per year

  • Discounts to attend events hosted by programming partners

Annual Student Membership: $50 per year (must currently be enrolled as a student)

Annual One-Year Membership: $125 per year

Two-Year Discounted Membership: One $200 payment for two years ($50 savings) 

Career Transition Membership: $30 per quarter

This membership level is designed to assist members whose employment has been impacted by furloughs, reduced hours, lay offs, or early retirement:

  • Members should not register for transition membership for more than one consecutive year (exceptions granted with permission)

  • Must not be a vendor or use meetings to solicit customers

Corporate Membership: $500/Year

  • Logo on MNODN web site

  • Recognition at standard monthly programming meetings

  • Three attendee admissions per standard monthly programming session

  • Opportunity to sponsor and/or host event

For questions or more information about membership plans, please contact Vanessa Forslev, Director of Membership and Networking,