Mission, Vision, Values.

To engage in growth and learning opportunities that foster a strong, diverse, and supportive community of organization development professionals in Minnesota and beyond.


To be the most trusted and valued community for organization development professionals.


  • Community: Co-create opportunities for social interaction and engagement through events, activities, and programs.

  • DEI: Strive for a safe, inclusive, and supportive professional organization development community that reflects a more equitable world by amplifying diverse voices and experiences, and integrating learnings into our work with individuals and organizations.

  • Professional Growth: Engage in programs, resources, and events to align with the latest trends and best practices in the field of organization development.


Priorities (2023-2024)

  • Be responsive to the OD community in order to attract and retain membership

  • Advance diversity, equity, and inclusion by weaving it throughout MNODN’s programming and activities.

  • Strengthen infrastructure and stewardship of resources