Community Consulting Program:

Core Team Information and Application

The CCP Core team provides the leadership and infrastructure to facilitate the MNODN Community Consulting Program (CCP). The CCP brings together dynamic, short-term teams of organization development (OD) professionals to provide pro bono consultation to Twin Cities area, nonprofit organizations unable to afford consulting services. The Core Team is the primary mechanism that recruits, screens, engages, and ensures CCP service meets the needs of the non-profit clients. Additionally, the Core Team identifies, retains, develops, and facilitates the process connecting CCP consultants with CCP clients. Through its leadership and methodology, the Core Team drives and enhances the CCP.

Currently we are recruiting for Client Liaison role (details below). To apply, please complete this CCP Core Team Application, and send to

CCP Leadership

Customer Served

  • External: Non-profit organizations that express a need for organizational development services and do not have the financial means to obtain support.

  • Internal: Members of MNODN with a desire to share their expertise and serve worthy clients and members who wish to gain experience with a new skill or in a new domain of work.


  • Experienced OD professional

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills

  • Facilitation, design, collaborative consulting, and leadership skills

  • Ability to handle the big picture and detailed issues (program, client, and consulting team)

  • Flexibility

  • Availability and willingness to support CCP clients and our CCP consultants

  • Understands the value of the pro bono MNODN services being provided to worthy local non-profit organizations

  • Possesses a sense of humor and enjoys the work

  • Strongly prefer previous Sr Consultant experience on a CCP consulting project

Term of Office

  • Core team members are expected to serve for two years and help train their replacement

    Time Commitment

  • Minnesota Organization Development Network

  • Engage, Connect and Learn

  • The CCP Core team time demands vary with the cycle of work. Certain periods require a heavier time commitment (3-5 hours/week); other periods are lighter (approximately ½ - 1 hour/week).

CCP Core Team Role Descriptions

Core Team members have the opportunity to focus on their specific roles that contribute to CCP’s success. In addition to the responsibilities listed below, all members of the Core Team help to:

  • Interview clients/consultants (a minimum 2 Core Team members conduct interviews)

  • Discuss and determine the ideal consulting team needed to meet the client’s needs

  • Monitor the implementation plan so the client engagement meets timeline expectations.

MNODN Board Member Sponsor

An MNODN board member serves as a CCP Core team member for sponsorship, extra visibility and direct communication with the MNODN board. They will be the highest vehicle championing CCP Core Team recommended program changes to the MNODN board. The CCP Manager and Core Team can lean on the MNODN Board member for resources and strategy.

CCP Manager Role

The Manager will oversee all CCP-related activities. The Manager will work to form the Core Team and assist in communication efforts, marketing, client/consultant selection (including assistance in interviews when needed), and activities pertaining to housekeeping, contracting, action planning, and strategy. The CCP Manager’s primary aim is to drive the program forward, uphold the vision of CCP and its services, and to be a solid foundation for both the Core Team and the consultant team.

  • Manages efforts to adequately staff the CCP Core Team to manage work.

  • Leads CCP Core Team Meetings (monthly calls, bi-annual planning retreats).

  • Maintains quarterly dashboard and reports results to the MNODN Board.

  • Manages overall strategy and approach for marketing and communication to ensure unified messaging on CCP.

  • Oversees and coordinates CCP marketing opportunities and directs Client and Consultant Liaisons on responsibilities to carry out marketing-related responsibilities.

  • Works with Client and Consultant Liaisons to maintain current content and forms on MNODN website and to initiate announcements of the Fall and Spring rounds of consulting in the MNODN and MCN newsletters.

  • Fields calls and e-mails and address questions from interested nonprofits (clients) and consultants (with help and support and in collaboration with the client liaison and consultant liaison).

  • Makes regular announcements at MNODN monthly meetings; communicates CCP opportunities and progress through board meetings and other MNODN channels.

  • Works with MNODN Marketing manager to publicize CCP success stories, internally and externally.

  • Ensure adequate screening process prior to each consulting round to ensure that solid potential clients are brought forward to be staffed.

  • Works with MNODN treasurer to oversee and manage CCP finances:

    • Budgets for and approves any expenses associated with the ongoing operation of the CCP.

    • Monitors and ensures all fees are received by the MNODN treasurer ($99/consultant, $200/nonprofit client).

  • Works with CCP Retreat Leader to plan for and roll out a successful retreat.

  • Reports to the Professional Development & Programs chair and the MNODN Board as the designated leader of CCP. As the MNODN designated CCP leader, has legal responsibility to enter into contracts with clients and consultants.

  • Prepares and emails contracts to nonprofit clients along with payment instructions.

  • Secures signed contract and payment before CCP team initiates work with client.

  • Prepares and emails offers with payment instructions to MNODN CCP consultants.

  • Secures signed agreements and payment before any CCP teamwork commences.

  • Support other CCP team members to assist with their responsibilities and special projects.

Client Liaison (External Liaison) - We are recruiting for this role

The Client Liaison has the ongoing responsibility to expand and develop the pool of potential nonprofit clients for CCP projects. This leader seeks opportunities to create partnerships with both nonprofit networks and clients, markets CCP services to nonprofits, identifies fit for engagement with Core Team based on qualifications, and communicates all client-related activities to the Core Team.

Per Client Engagement

  • Facilitates CCP marketing efforts as they pertain to attracting client applicants for upcoming engagements (may include networking, MNODN website, newsletters, and brochure distribution). Make announcements to the community via the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.

  • Collects and log CCP client applications; Confirms receipt of application to client along with an explanation of the review process.

    • Communicates with CCP Manager about emails/calls received about client applications or a nonprofit’s questions on CCP and its services.

    • Vets client prospects to ensure they qualify for a CCP engagement per non-profit, qualifiers prior to interviews.

  • Provides on-going communication with all client applications regarding:

    • Current application status and if selected or not (occurs at two steps in the review process).

    • Once launch occurs, send email confirming selection and introducing the team. (At this point hand-over communication to the consulting team.)

  • Contact client applicants and their professional references.

  • Presents client applications to the Core Team, along with recommendations for or against pursuing an engagement project.

  • Works with Senior Consultants and others involved in Round 2 client screening to ensure summaries of completed interviews are edited and ready to distribute prior to the CCP team retreat.

  • Supports other CCP team members to assist with their responsibilities and special projects (e.g. participate in consultant interviews, etc.)

  • Meets with client at least three times during the project to assess client satisfaction. Handles design and logistics of all check-in meetings. Reports results of each meeting to Core Team.

  • Manages final client evaluation and reports satisfaction stats after each consulting round to the Core Team.


With permission from MCN, contacts new members of MCN who may have an interest in the CCP. Provide basic information on the CCP, the value of CCP to nonprofits, and contact info.

Consultant Liaison (Internal Liaison)

The Consultant Liaison has the ongoing responsibility to continually expand and develop the pool of senior consultants and consultants. This leader works to identify the type of development that may be necessary for consultants so they are prepared to deliver work for the client engagement. When there are gaps in the consultant pool, s/he works with Core Team and Senior Consultant to identify appropriately-matched consultants to fulfill project needs and/or add additional consultants to the CCP team.

  • Facilitates CCP marketing efforts to attract consultant applicants for upcoming engagements (may include networking, MNODN website, newsletters, and brochure distribution).

  • Connects with interested MNODN members (preferably in face-to-face settings) to provide information about the CCP&value to potential consultants, the community, and MNODN.

  • Contacts new members of MNODN who have indicated an interest in the CCP. Provide basic information on the CCP, such as contact info.

  • Maintains current version of consultant application on MNODN website.

  • Receives and logs CCP consultant applications; Reviews applications to ensure they meet current qualifications.

  • Promptly sends confirmation emails to communicate application was received and to explain the review process.

  • Contacts consultant applicants and their professional references.

  • With at least one other member of the Core Team, conducts interviews with consultant applicants using the CCP Consultant interview guide. The guide includes questions to:

    • Ask candidates what would be most important or valuable for them if they were to be involved with the CCP.

    • Ask candidates about their professional backgrounds.

  • Researches candidates’ qualifications using candidate websites, professional references, and other social media sources.

  • Presents consultant applications to the Core Team, along with recommendations for or against inclusion in the program.

  • Attends the client kick-off meeting to develop further rapport with the client and to let the client know the support provided for the consulting team.

  • Meets with consulting team at least three times (beginning, middle and end of projects). Handles design and logistics of all check-in meetings. Reports results of each meeting to Core Team.

  • Works with the Senior Consultant to ensure students satisfy their academic requirements. Once requirements are met, seeks CCP manager’s approval necessary for the student’s successful completion of their OD practicum in the CCP.

  • Manages final consultant evaluation and reports satisfaction stats after each consulting round to the Core Team.

  • Support other CCP team members to assist with their responsibilities and special projects.

Retreat Leader

  • Works with CCP Manager, Client Liaison and Consultant Liaison to plan and roll-out a successful kick-off retreat for consultants that meets the need for the entire consulting team.

  • Schedules, designs, and manages retreats held at the beginning of each consulting- project cycle; Emails invitations and prework to consulting team.

  • Designs retreat agenda along with other CCP Core Team members.

  • Prepares an evaluation report from the previous CCP consulting cycle and presents it at retreat.

  • Facilitates retreat sessions or secure appropriate facilitators. (Core Team members or Senior Consultants who have agreed to give special presentations)

  • Plans and manages logistical details including reserving venue, food, equipment/supplies.