Member Spotlight.

Deb Peters

Q: What is your current position? 

Official position–Senior Organization Effectiveness and Development Consultant at Wells Fargo, Coach and Founder of Morgan McGuire Leadership LLC

Unofficial title-The spark helping ignite potential in your heart and mind

Q: What is your educational background?

-MBA-University of St. Thomas

-BS-Winona State University

-Organization Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC)-CCR Global plus multiple certifications in OD, assessments, leadership development programs, change, innovation.

Q: How long have you been in the OD field?

30+ years

Q: How long have you been member of MNDOND?

25+ years

Q: Why did you join?

I was curious about how culture helps teams really thrive rather than just survive. ASTD had a special interest group for organization development that was hosted by MNODN’s founder, Roland Sullivan. That experience piqued my interest in OD, led me to MNODN, and ultimately helped me see my true passion and sprint down the OD path.

Q: What benefits do you gain from membership?

-A vibrant membership base (present, past, and extended) which share common values (including fun) with interactions that lead to new learnings and new friends

-Solid professional development and program opportunities that build on our strengths and challenge us to stretch

-Opportunities to experiment and grow OD capabilities alongside others in the field through mentoring, community consulting program, conferences, special projects, and presentations.

Q: What special skills do you possess that make you an effective OD professional?

I am grateful to have worked as both an internal and external OD professional. As a result:

-I love helping leaders and teams tap the wisdom, hearts, and relationships within to turn potential into reality. And that involves leveraging strengths and stretching.

-I get excited serving as a culture builder and team coach who uses creativity and innovation to help move strategy to action.

-I thrive with big picture work and making connections (with people and concepts/systems).

Q: Have you been a board member/volunteer with MNODN before? If so, please share your experience/benefits.

I’ve had the pleasure of serving as MNODN’s chair and chair elect and I am proud of our team and their work. The teamwork led to founding the Community Consulting Program, teaming up with our alliance partners (PEN, ATD, ICF) to offer joint programs, bringing members an enhanced mentoring program, special workshops, national presenters, and segments of the National OD Network Conference. We also brought members certifications in Collaborative Consulting, Strategic Planning and WIAL’s Action Learning.

Today, I continue my MNODN work as a mentor, sourcing potential speakers, and serving as a Core member of the Community Consulting Program where I interview non-profits and consultants who, together, help make a difference in the lives of others. I also am an editor for a section of the OD Review and get sneak previews of newer OD ideas before they go to print.

Q: What advice do you have for people entering the field?

-First, know you, your values, your purpose, your strengths, and how you can help others be their best.

-Recognize wherever you are, you are there to serve, and commit to do it to the best of your ability.

-Listen to other’s stories, share your story, and commit to being a life-long learner.

-Take the opportunity to know the business you are in and the many facets of OD and their impact.

-Strive for a balance in what your heart and mind contribute to your life.

-When the going gets tough, look for the 2% truth in others. Everyone is partially right.

August 2021 Member Spotlight