April 19: Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization

We have entered the Age of Uncertainty, and public, non-profit and government organizations everywhere are struggling to cope. It’s not hard to see why. Technology is evolving rapidly. Global markets are shifting unpredictably. Political action and social media are creating instability around the world. We used to play and win a finite game where we knew the rules, the goals, our partners, and what to expect.  Now we're playing infinite games that are full of surprises, and the goal is simply to keep playing.  The game has changed because of global reach, massive interdependency, enormous diversity, and speed of change.  Today, the game is infinite, and uncertainty is the only certainty.

So what can we do when the old ways of working no longer work?  There is no single roadmap to follow, but Human Systems Dynamics Institute can help you get unstuck and move forward effectively.  We draw lessons from chaos theory and complexity science to help you leverage uncertainty. We teach simple ideas and models that prepare you and your clients to build adaptive capacity; form collaborative relationships, and take courageous, creative action.

This MNODN meeting is the launch event for our new book Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization (Stanford University Press, April 2013).  We will introduce the foundation of the core approach it features, share stories about how we used Adaptive Action to transform individuals, teams, organizations, and communities; and help you use it to explore creative options for action for yourself and your clients.  You will receive a copy of the book and the opportunity to have it signed by the authors.        

Click here for more information or to register for event.


April 4: Organizational Lifestyle


March 7: Not your Daddy's Succession Planning