Thursday October 3, 2013 - Thursday October 3, 20131000 LaSalle Ave.
We often read in online discussions and articles that most organizational change efforts fail. Is that a crisis in the field of OD? Would it be a crisis if that situation were in other fields and professions? What should those of us in the field of OD do about this?
Over the years, Carter McNamara of Authenticity Consulting, has informally been monitoring discussions and articles about “Why do most organizational change efforts fail?” He’s boiled down the “research” to the questions: Is the question itself flawed and unfair? What research concluded the rate of failure? Are the failures caused primarily by external forces? Is it primarily the client? Is it primarily the OD practitioner? All of these?
As professionals, we owe it to our field to do something. What do you personally want to do? Nothing? Validate the research? Facilitate dialogues about the issue? Do some public relations about OD? Drive certification of practitioners? Get OD into MBA programs? Get more “business skills” in OD?
In this session, Carter will brief us on his research. We’ll use Open Space to organize participants to discuss their preferred questions and come to action plans. We’ll condense their conclusions and actions into a report that we’ll share with other OD chapters.
5:30 pm Networking; 6-7:30 pm Program
Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD
Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, is co-founder of Minneapolis-based, Authenticity Consulting, specializing in organizational and leadership development. He is one of the country’s top experts in customizing Action Learning programs for a variety of applications. He is also founder of the Consultants Development Institute. He is author of several books, including “Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development” and “Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision” and has authored numerous articles. Carter, a former MNODN board member, has received MNODN’s “Organization Development Practitioner of the Year” and the University of St. Thomas “Business Excellence Award”.