Seeking Co-Treasurer Board Position

The Co-Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the organization. The Co-Treasurer shall cause regular books of account to be kept, and shall render to the Board of Directors, from time to time as may be required, an account of the financial condition of the Organization, shall deliver quarterly and an annual report.  The quarterly report is provided to the Executive Committee the end of every third month and annual report is provided every December. The Treasurer shall perform all other duties properly required of the Treasurer by the Board of Directors.

The Treasurer is elected by the MNODN Board to hold office for a two-year term, or until a successor is elected and qualified. For succession planning and fiscal security purposes, this position is shared role, which means there are two individuals occupying the role as co-chairs for Treasurer.


  1. Financial knowledge of the organization.

  2. Personal commitment to devote the time necessary to perform the responsibilities of Treasurer.

  3. Understanding of financial accounting for nonprofit organizations.

  4. Maintain and report the financial stability of the organization


  1.  Serves as Chair of the Finance Committee (as applicable) and a member of the Executive Committee of MNODN

  2. Manages, with the Finance Committee, the Board’s review of, and action related to, the Board’s financial responsibilities.

  3. Works with the Executive Chair and Chair Elect to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the Board on a timely basis.

  4. Assists the Executive Chair and Chair Elect in preparing the annual budget, and presenting the budget to the Board for approval.

  5. Develop Fiscal Policies for recommendation to the Board to ensure the financial integrity and sustainability of the organization.

  6. Develop long-term financial strategies and submits them for Board approval during quarterly and annual Board meetings

  7. Keeps currently informed of legal, regulatory and sector developments relating to the Board’s financial responsibilities.

  8. Completes the annual taxes for the organization in a timely fashion and in accordance to federal and state reporting requirements.

  9. Promptly alert the Chair and Chair Elect of the Board upon any suspicion of financial impropriety or activity that may impact the security of the MNODN assets. Advise the full Executive Committee and take all appropriate actions to prevent, investigate and respond to any unusual or suspicious activity relating to the assets of MNODN.

 Attributes required to complete the role:

  • Responsible

  • Reliable

  • Committed

  • Trustworthiness

  • Ability to positively represent the MNODN

Skills required to complete the role:

  • Leadership skills

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Strong focus on delivering good results

  • Management skills

  • Communication skills

  • Organizational skills

  • Facilitation skills

  • Detail orientation

Estimated Time Commitment

  • Two-year term

  • Monthly responsibilities related to position as chair: 10 to 12 hours

  • Monthly Board meetings: 2 hours

  • Monthly program meetings: 2 – 3 hours

  • Quarterly Executive Board Meetings – 3 hours

  • Total estimated monthly time commitment:17 – 20 hours (estimate only)

 Expectations of Board Members:

Criteria and responsibilities for being on the Board, as stated in the By-laws:

1)     Be an OD Practitioner and/or Financial expert

2)     Carry a primary responsibility on the Board

3)     Share responsibilities at monthly and quarterly meetings.

4)     Attend as many meetings and programs as possible and network as much as possible with members and guests.

Current Benefits for Board Members:

  • Board members must pay annual membership while they are on the Board

  • Board members attend program meetings

  • Board member attend monthly and quarterly meetings

  • Board members may be allowed to attend national programs.

*Terms maybe flexible per an agreement with and approval of the Board Executive Committee

If interested, send letter of interest via email to:


March 7: Not your Daddy's Succession Planning


February 7: Open Space - Engaging the Informal Organization