Program description:
We invite you to join current and former consultants at the Community Consulting Project (CCP) Summit Part II, offered on Thursday, March 13th.
In Part II we’ll take your work and input from Part I and continue an inclusive dialogue around CCP, so we welcome and encourage you to join us, even if you haven’t participated in CCP in the past and/ or couldn’t attend the Summit Part I (in February).
This is a free event for members, non-members, regional partner members, and students.
The interactive summits will be held virtually to ensure so as many people as possible can participate.
The purpose is threefold:
Celebrate the many OD professionals who have helped make it successful since its launch in 2017
Gather your feedback on CCP
Engage you in collaborating on a 2025 CCP vision
Your takeaways from the summits:
Experience/practice using at least 2 OD tools in each summit so you can apply & use them in your work
Network and learn from talented OD consultants who’ve served as consultants in nonprofits
Contribute to Community Consulting Program future as MNODN continues to give back to our community
Come ready to experience OD tools, what you enjoy most, discover opportunities to change and bring your ideas to build CCP for 2025 & beyond.
Please join us to GROW CCP and your PROFESSIONAL NETWORK with a talented group of Community Consulting professionals!
For more information on CCP, Visit the Community Consulting Program page under the “Offerings” tab here on the MNODN website.
Registration deadline is Friday, March 7th.