Virtual Events, Articles, and Videos for OD Professionals June 17*

Each week we update our page with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Practitioners. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, etc that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota or across the globe) please do reach out to us.

You can contact us at: stayconnected at

*MNODN does not promote any opportunity/product. All postings are strictly to share resources.



Gender Equality in OD and Organizations - Then & Now: A Dialogue with Barbara Bunker & Anne Litwin via Mee Yan Cheung Judge Quality and Equality.


Relaunch Your Team When They Need It by Ruth Wageman posted on the 6 Team Conditions site

What Our Emotional Response to COVID-19 Can Teach Us About Racism in America by Marc Sokol and posted on the HR People & Strategy blog

MNODN is a professional community committed to excellence in learning, growth and innovation in the field of organization development (OD)


To learn and apply organization development theory and practice, integrating human and organizational systems, to create sustainable change


To be the most trusted, respected and valued community for organization development and change professionals


  • Professional

  • Community

  • Excellence

  • Learning

  • Growth

  • Innovation


Organization Development Professionals: Resources for this week* and beyond


“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” MLK