Organization Development Professionals: Resources for this week* and beyond
Each week we update our page with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, Open Access articles etc that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota or across the globe) please do reach out to us. TY!
You can contact us at: stayconnected at
*MNODN does not promote any opportunity/product. All postings are strictly to share resources.
MNODN Board Statement Addressing Racial Injustice
Stanford Rebuild, a Global Innovation Sprint to Accelerate COVID-19 Recovery
”Participants receive free access to Stanford’s online entrepreneurial toolkit to guide them through the process of creating and evaluating projects designed to drive recovery.”I/O Community Call Addressing Systemic Issues in Law Enforcement Workplaces
Mon, June 29, 2020 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM CDT FREE Event open to all.
PENworks 2020 Annual Conference Rescheduled to September 23, 2020.
NOTE: MNODN members can receive special discounts. Contact us before you register.#RESILIENCE: How are Your People Responding to the Pandemic? Webinar with Dan Denison of Denison Consulting. Thursday, June 25 at 10:00 am EDT
Best Practice People, Culture & Performance Webinar Series OnDemand Webinars from the OrgDev Institute
The Organization Development & Change Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) has extended the application deadline for the virtual Doctoral / Jr. Faculty Consortia to June 26. More information HERE
Virtual Resources
Virtual Meetings 101: A Guidebook for Creating Successful Virtual Meetings Laura Gramling provides free access to PDF. You can also buy the book if you choose . “The guidebook is for anyone who has to convene a virtual meeting, of any size, of any type, anywhere.”
Online Open Space with Zoom and Google Slides Created May 2020 by Amanda Fenton
“Welcome! This guide is for those familiar enough with Open Space Technology to get going with hosting it online using Zoom web conferencing (Pro account or higher) and Google Slides. There are other collaborative online platforms that work especially if you are hosting larger groups (e.g. Miro, QiqoChat, integrations with Google Docs), but Zoom and Google Slides are a great starting place.
In this guide we’re going to focus on the online technology aspects of hosting an Open Space. If you want to learn more about Open Space in general, see here. “
Scholarship Supporting the Fight Against Racism and Inequality Taylor & Francis “We have curated some of our relevant books and journals content in this area – much of it free to view or open access – and our editorial teams will continue to collaborate with scholars and experts to organize and publish an expanded reading list on this microsite.”
Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, Connie Burk . FREE PDF avaialble via Berrett-Koehler Publishing.
Book Review: The Covid-19 Survival Guide by Fons Trompenaars by Sergio Caredda
Free Anti-Racist Organization Survey “Check in with your employees to understand their opinions of how your organization treats people, and improve diversity and inclusion”. via OrgVitality
Why You’re Constantly Misunderstood on Slack (and How to Fix It)
Managing teamwork in the face of pandemic: evidence-based tips Tannenbaum SI, Traylor AM, Thomas EJ, et al Managing teamwork in the face of pandemic: evidence-based tips
BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 29 May 2020. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2020-011447
Practice What You Preach: Corporate Hypocrisy Regarding Diversity & Inclusion by
Andrew Marcinko, PhD Behavioural Scientist & Teaching Fellow at Durham UniversityDr. David Jamieson Named New Editor of OD Review Organization Development Network
What role will Organization Development departments play in the future? Management Kits
The Emerging Field of Social Alignment via Oxford Review by Lindsay Uittenbogaard
Organizations Cannot Afford to Stay Silent on Racial Injustice by Enrica Ruggs & Derek Avery
Leaders as Allies to Employees of Color by Nick Salter at OSU
Pandemics: Implications for Research and Practice in Industrial and Organizational Psychology By Cort W. Rudolph, Blake Allan, Andreas Hirschi, Mindy Shoss, Malissa Clark, Florian Kunze, Sabine Sonnentag, Guido Hertel, Kristen Shockley, and Hannes Zacher
What Do You Really Want?: Tools to Help Consultants Get Beyond the Superficial to Achieve Results by Jeff Evans, Director of Consulting Services at Designed Learning
Being an Internal OD Consultant: A Conversation with Bob Marshak Mee yan Cheung Judge. “This is the eleventh video produced in the ‘Just in Case…’ mini-series sponsored by Quality and Equality. In this video we hear from Bob Marshak, one of the leading contemporary thinkers about organizational consulting and change, a Distinguished Scholar in Residence for OD Programs at American University, and is currently Co-Director of the Bushe-Marshak Institute for Dialogic Organization Development. Dr. Marshak draws on his early experiences as an internal OD practitioner and shares helpful insights about how to be an effective and trusted collaborator with senior management.
The three questions we ask Dr. Marshak are:
1. What was the context for your experiences as an internal OD practitioner?
2. What insights would you like to share about being an internal OD practitioner?
3. How would you sum up your insights and advice?”
MNODN is a professional community committed to excellence in learning, growth and innovation in the field of organization development (OD)
To learn and apply organization development theory and practice, integrating human and organizational systems, to create sustainable change
To be the most trusted, respected and valued community for organization development and change professionals