Discovering the Immune System by Becoming certified in the Immunity to Change (ITC) process
I am writing about an eye-opening experience I had in January 2014 when Dr. Richard McGuigan and Dr. Nancy Popp from The Institute for Leading Change led a program called “Becoming an Immunity to Change Facilitator.” The workshop was designed to give participants the insights and tools to lead change work as one-on-one coaches or with teams in organizations.
The ITC process is a powerful and effective way to guide clients through making difficult changes. Overcoming one’s Immunity to Change is not only about changing problematic behaviors, it is about understanding and testing one’s own immunity by working with and not against ourselves. It is about understanding our own complexity and the stories we tell ourselves.
Through a series of exercises, experiences, and reflection time, we as participants of the workshop, were able to explore our own Immunity to Change. This experience and learning the process of ITC will help me to lead clients and teams through the process of committing to a goal and surfacing their competing commitments in order to reveal the Immunity to Change. The Immune System reveals itself and the discussion for opportunities to test it continues.
I highly recommend the program and becoming an ITC facilitator! The process is based on the “Immunity to Change” book written by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. The book is a great resource and starting point!
Tami France, PHR
Marketing & Communications