Member Drive: All new or renewing members
MNODN is kicking off its 2014 Member Drive, March 6-31. This is a great time to renew your membership and encourage others you know to join our organization. Great programming, networking, sharing of resources and access to local and national OD people, theories and practices are a part of what your membership makes possible.
MNODN membership cool stuff
So, starting March 6, a new or renewed membership provides you with 1 free regularly scheduled event in the next six months. A code will be issued to you when you sign up or renew a membership. Even if you are not scheduled for renewal for a while, your renewal in March will extend out another year. So we encourage you to renew early and receive a free event as a thank you for your support.
If you refer someone to become a new member, contact for a bonus!
Al watts
Roland and Veronika
Tami and Husband
Dr J
If you refer someone to become a new member, contact for a bonus!