Looking for #OrganizationDevelopment Resources? MNODN has you covered!

We update our page each week with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, Open Access articles and more that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota AND across the globe) please do reach out to us. Thank You!

You can contact us at: stayconnected at mnodn.org

*MNODN does not promote any opportunity/product. All postings are strictly to share resources.

MNODN Board Statement Addressing Racial Injustice

MNODN JUNE Newsletter


  • The World of Work Podcast - E083: Organizational Change: A Critical View w/ Mark Hughes “James and Jane are joined by Dr. Mark Hughes to discuss organizational change. The conversation explores how we think about leadership and change, and provides some helpful critiques of some generally held theories and accepted models.”

  • Casa de Cambio - Episode 22: Agile Change with Dr Jen Frahm & Lena Ross “How do you lead and manage change in agile environments? What can change practitioners and project professionals do to upskill themselves in agile change? How can people operating in the agile space who still have waterfall expectations from their leaders thrive? In this episode of Casa de Cambio, Tash is joined by co founders of the Agile Change Leadership Institute, Dr Jen Frahm & Lena Ross, who discuss all of these things and more (bonus content: a chat about white privilege and how we can be better allies to POC).”




MNODN is a professional community committed to excellence in learning, growth and innovation in the field of organization development (OD)


To learn and apply organization development theory and practice, integrating human and organizational systems, to create sustainable change


To be the most trusted, respected and valued community for organization development and change professionals


  • Professional

  • Community

  • Excellence

  • Learning

  • Growth

  • Innovation


#OrganizationDevelopment Resources curated by @MNODN July 6th*


Organization Development Professionals: Resources for this week* and beyond