Looking for #OrganizationDevelopment Resources? MNODN has you covered!
We update our page each week with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, Open Access articles and more that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota AND across the globe) please do reach out to us. Thank You!
You can contact us at: stayconnected at mnodn.org
*MNODN does not promote any opportunity/product. All postings are strictly to share resources.
MNODN Board Statement Addressing Racial Injustice
The World of Work Podcast - E083: Organizational Change: A Critical View w/ Mark Hughes “James and Jane are joined by Dr. Mark Hughes to discuss organizational change. The conversation explores how we think about leadership and change, and provides some helpful critiques of some generally held theories and accepted models.”
Casa de Cambio - Episode 22: Agile Change with Dr Jen Frahm & Lena Ross “How do you lead and manage change in agile environments? What can change practitioners and project professionals do to upskill themselves in agile change? How can people operating in the agile space who still have waterfall expectations from their leaders thrive? In this episode of Casa de Cambio, Tash is joined by co founders of the Agile Change Leadership Institute, Dr Jen Frahm & Lena Ross, who discuss all of these things and more (bonus content: a chat about white privilege and how we can be better allies to POC).”
NTL Europe and ODN Europe - Flourishing Together: A Series of Conversations
Webinars are free for NTL & ODN Europe members - fee for non-members.
OD – what are our Foundational underpinnings relating to –social justice, anti racism and democratic principles July 2
White Fragility and becoming an Ally July 10
Building Leadership for Inclusion July 22
Coaches Rising - The Coaching Summit 2020 Leading in Times of Uncertainty July 13-28
The Teal Network - TEAL AROUND THE WORLD July 9, 10
Caliber Consulting - Virtual Organization Design Master Class (June 30 – July 2)
Action Learning Associates - Virtual Team Building with Ruth Cook July 2
NTL Institute - Entering the Territory: A Community Dialogue on Racism
Academy of Management (AOM) - 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of AOM Aug 6-11
Some Personal Thoughts on Organization Design/Development and the Police by Adam Renshaw
How to Increase Collaborative Productivity in a Pandemic in MIT Sloan Management Review by Lynda Gratton
Covid 19: Power structures or power sources on Linkedin by Naomi Stanford
Why this cause, why now? by Dr Jen Frahm
COVID-19’s Uncomfortable Revelations About Agile and Sustainable Organizations in a VUCA World in Journal of Applied Behavioral Science by Chris Worley & Claudy Jules
Perspective and Change Jeffrey Saltzman's Blog Enhancing Organizational Performance
Will the Pandemic Reshape Notions of Female Leadership? in HBR by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
Industrial and organizational psychologists will help shape the post-pandemic workplace via APA By Delia O'Hara
Why You Should Encourage Your Employees to Break Stuff (In Training) via HR evidence by Ben Butina on Medium
3 things you can do now to be a more inclusive leader in Fast Company By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Five Ways to Encourage Safe Behavior During the Pandemic via Greater Good Magazine - UC Berkeley by Jill Suttie
Building an Inclusive Community: Tips for Working Remotely The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc.
The Role of Psychological Safety in Diversity and Inclusion in Psychology Today by Amy Edmondson
Creating a Triple A Society - Amy Edmondson, Otto Scharmer, Peter Senge, Ed Schein
MNODN is a professional community committed to excellence in learning, growth and innovation in the field of organization development (OD)
To learn and apply organization development theory and practice, integrating human and organizational systems, to create sustainable change
To be the most trusted, respected and valued community for organization development and change professionals