Upcoming OD Professional Development & Networking Opportunities
Join us in welcome Peter Block as he leads us through and exploration of his new book,Confronting Our Freedom. In this book, Peter worked with a team of dedicated leadership coaches to deliver an exciting and engaging new take on management and leadership.
Upcoming OD Professional Development & Networking Opportunities
CultureCon 2022 (August 10 – 11) - If you are interested in talking and learning all things Org Culture, our close network friends down in Madison, WI are hosting CultureCon 2022! Follow the links for more details on their speaker lineup and program schedule. Participants have the option to attend any part of the two-day conference in-person or virtually.
An Invitation to Think Different by Lisa Meyer
I’ve read dozens of definitions of Organization Development and most fall short of conveying the reasons why I am drawn to this work and why I find this field so interesting. And I’m not alone. An Amazon review of a leading OD textbook said “Imagine stuffing 10 saltine crackers in your mouth and having no water…. that’s how dry this book is.”
Return-to-Work, Virtual or Hybrid: A Millennial Wonders If It Matters!
A consulting colleague stared at me with disbelief that I had spent time during the pandemic writing a book The New Workplace: Performance Through Virtual and Hybrid Teams on navigating these new environments. She explained that she has always operated in in-person and online environments, seamlessly switching between the two.
Organization Development: Self as an Instrument of Change?
Is use-of-self a necessary component for all practitioners of organizational consulting? Or a bunch of fluffy feel-good stuff left over from the 1960s with little strong empirical evidence to back it up?
Virtual Facilitation with Ron Koller, PhD
As we set up the logistics and prepare for the Sept 23rrd and 30th Webinars with Ron Koller, we thought some additional information might come in handy before the big event(s).
New articles, events, and videos for #OrganizationDeveloment professionals July 16*
We update our StayConnected page each week with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. If you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, video, or Open Access articles and more that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota & across the globe) please do reach out to us. Thank You!
#OrganizationDevelopment Resources curated by @MNODN July 6th*
We update our StayConnected page each week with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, Open Access articles and more that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota AND across the globe) please do reach out to us. Thank You!
Looking for #OrganizationDevelopment Resources? MNODN has you covered!
We update our page each week with near term, long term, and OnDemand resources for Organization Development Professionals. Should you know of a blog, workshop, webinar, podcast, Open Access articles and more that would be of interest to OD Practitioners (in Minnesota AND across the globe) please do reach out to us. Thank You!